Feeling stressed, anxious, panicked, or overwhelmed? Fix it with your FREE 'Checklist to Sanity: 7 Ways to Keep (or Find) Your Sanity Under Stress'
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Get Unstuck
Stuck sucks! It sucks your energy, your motivation, your self-confidence. Stuck has got to stop! Stop spinning your wheels and take back your life! If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and find yourself coping in self-destructive ways, let's get a handle on that. You can free yourself, get unstuck, and take control of your life. You need an UNSTUCK JUMPSTART.

Thrive Through Transition
Change is often challenging. Sometimes, change isn't our choice. But even when we're in charge, the process is stressful without a system. Successful transitions are part art and part science. You need a standard change formula that you can apply to every transition (the science) and a method of creating a unique roadmap for each situation (the art). You need STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE.

Get Healthy. Stay Healthy.
Are you struggling with your weight? Your stress level? Feeling anxious or panicked? Losing sleep? Welcome, to the 21st century! The world is spinning at a frantic pace, and you're not going to slow it down (nor do you want to). But you can keep up without feeling frantic. MASTER THE ART OF SELF CARE so that you're still here to take care of everything else!
Welcome to Dr. Lyssa Menard's Strategy for Change
If you're feeling stuck, in transition, trying to manage your stress and/or your weight, or want to shake loose from anxiety, you've come to the right place! I started Strategies for Change when I realized how little we're taught in this culture about how to change. The contradiction struck me: we're in a "cowboy" culture, where continual change is expected or imposed, yet few people actually know how to create or cope with change...
News & Latest Updates
Is Social Media Bad for Your Career?
In a NY Times article entitled, “Quit Social Media. Your Career My Depend on It,” Cal Newport outlines the various ways that social media can harm you and, in particular, your
About Dr. Menard

Dr. Lyssa Menard is a clinical psychologist, an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science at Northwestern University, and a media consultant to CNN, the New York Times, and WebMD.